Citizens United is an organization dedicated to restoring our government to citizens’ control. We pride ourselves on being vigorous defenders of your views and we achieve results using a variety of tools. Citizens United produces some of the most hard-hitting and influential television commercials, web advertisements, and documentaries available. These products delve deeply into the issues that matter most to the future of our country, striking a chord with people that helps awaken them to the importance of a limited government, individual responsibility, free market economy, and traditional American values.
Citizens United television commercials, web advertisements, and documentary films are shown to a wide range of Americans, each audience selected based on the desired outcome, to maximize the impact of each dollar we spend. Distribution channels used include online DVD sales, telephone DVD sales, direct mail DVD sales, television and internet advertising, Netflix, billboard ads, earned media, television appearances, newspaper op-eds, and much more. Each production piece has its own distribution plan that has helped hundreds of thousands of Americans see the important messages our award winning productions carry.
Television Commercials
Citizens United is able to run targeted commercials that help fight for the principles that make our nation great. One effort Citizens United ran was a series of television commercials shown across the state of Iowa. The commercials advertised our film Fire from the Heartland, telling Iowans of the importance of conservative principles and principled female conservative leaders like Clare Booth Luce, Phyllis Schlafly, Ann Coulter, Michele Bachmann, and Michelle Malkin. These commercials not only help get viewers to buy our films, it helps Americans learn what policies are best for our country’s future.
Web Advertisements
Web ads, like our 800-pound gorilla in the room (our national debt), have helped shape the debate on the issues that matter most to conservatives.
Citizens United Documentary Films
Citizens United documentaries are produced in house by a production team that rivals many in Hollywood. The awards for and occasional controversy surrounding our films speak to their quality, reach, and impact. Here are some of our better-known titles.
The Gift of Life
- Winner of three Telly Awards for film excellence: Silver for Religion/Spirituality, Bronze for Social Issues, and Bronze for Videography/Cinematography
- Texas Governor Rick Perry credited the film with changing his views on abortion
- calls it an “inspirational film” and Concerned Women for America says it’s “outstanding.”
A City Upon a Hill
- Winner of the Gold Remi Award for Social/Economic Issues at the WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival
Fire from the Heartland
- Rep. Thaddeus McCotter calls Fire From the Heartland “…required viewing for anyone honestly interested in the roots of the Tea Party phenomenon and the future of American conservatism.”
- Human Events says Fire from the Heartland “shows conservative women for what they truly are: capable, powerful, strong and diverse women.”
Nine Days That Changed the World
- Gold Camera Award at the U.S. International Film Festival
- Silver for Religion/Spirituality category and Bronze for History/Biography category at the Telly Awards
- People’s Festival Award at the JPII International Film Festival
- Special Jury Remi Award at Worldfest: Houston International Film Festival
- Greta Van Susteren from Fox News’ On the Record with Greta Van Susteren: “It’s a great movie. It’s fascinating, and it’s also a piece of history.”
- Polish Version of the Film: Finalist for Best Documentary at Mirabile Dictu International Catholic Film Festival at the Vatican
Perfect Valor
- Best Documentary at the GI Film Festival; Major Norman Hatch Award at the Marine Corps Heritage Festival
Border War
Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny
- Silver Remi Award at Worldfest: Houston International Film and Video Festival
- Described by the Washington Times as a “…90-minute documentary (that) reminds us of the charismatic power and extraordinary educational capabilities Mr. Reagan brought to the presidency.”