Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

5th Annual Citizens United Holiday Turkey Drive For The Troops Underway

Thanksgiving and Christmas are rapidly approaching and Citizens United is continuing to do something near and dear to our hearts: supporting members of our Armed Forces and military families however we can.

Recently, we produced the award-winning film Perfect Valor, narrated by Senator Fred Thompson, as a tribute to our Iraq War heroes.

This year, Governor Mike Huckabee is teaming up with Citizens United for what has become a tradition: our annual turkey drive for the troops.

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On account of budget cuts and a sagging economy, times are especially tough for many of our men and women in uniform and their families.

Our focus this year is on Fort Bliss – a base that has been critical to our efforts in fighting The War on Terror.

Last year we sent 900 turkeys out to our military families and this year we are aiming for more. You can help in this worthy and patriotic cause by calling 1-877-212-8798.

God Bless America and our troops!

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas from your friends at Citizens United!

Photos from last year’s turkey distribution

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Citizens United