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Breitbart: Harry Reid’s Senate Is Focused On Citizens United While The World Is Burning

It has been a long, hot summer here in America and abroad. ISIS is on the march and has brutally beheaded two American journalists. The threat is so large that you even have liberal United States Senators like Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Al Franken (D-MN) openly questioning President Barack Obama’s foreign policy.

The last time the threat to the homeland was this grave was in the aftermath of September 11th. So, what is first on the policy agenda for the United States Senate after a month-long recess? Developing a response to ISIS? Or even a policy on the Russian advances in the Ukraine? No! Reid has his sights on gutting the First Amendment and overturning the landmark Citizens United Supreme Court decision.

This folly known as S.J. Res. 19, introduced by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM), is just another example of how out-of-touch the Democrat-controlled United States Senate is and why Congress, according to the Real Clear Politics average, is at nearly a 80 percent disapproval rating. Harry Reid and the Democrat Caucus that he leads are completely consumed by a political agenda that attacks Citizens United. Why? Because the Citizens United decision gives a powerful voice to the opposition and makes it easier to participate in the process — a scary thought for liberal incumbents.

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Citizens United