Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has an opportunity as the new Speaker of the House, but it’s going to take courage to stand up to the failed status quo in Washington. He’s well equipped to make the pivot, if he’s willing to show some guts. He’s already seen firsthand what failed business as usual on Capitol Hill looks like, where things like trillion dollar backroom deals, more debt, no real debate, and less accountability have become the order of the day. The dismal record of the past seven years has caused enough frustration to force millions of Americans to give up hope on the idea that government can make competent decisions.
As soon as Paul Ryan gets handed the Speaker’s gavel, he’s going to arrive at a fork in the road. One direction is the easy path forward, which is more of the same; bowing to President Obama’s threats, legislating from crisis to crisis, and punishing Members for voting their conscience. The other direction is much more difficult. That direction calls for seizing the initiative by making Congress once again a co-equal branch of government. The conservative majority in the House of Representatives can re-assume control of the public policy debate in this country.
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