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“This week, the House of Representatives successfully vacated the Speaker of the House for the first time in our nation’s history. This moment comes at a time when our country is at a critical crossroad,” a letter signed by the top conservatives said. “Congress now has a choice to elect an establishment leader who adopts the same methods that infect the swamp or choose a proven and effective conservative leader who will unite the party.”

“The American people elected a majority in the House for a reason and deserve a Speaker who will fight for them,” the letter continued.

The letter was signed by Former Ohio Treasurer and Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and Ginni Thomas, among others.

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The letter continued:

“Congressman Jim Jordan has consistently been on the front lines for the Conservative Movement and all Americans since elected. His voting record, chairmanship of the House Freedom Caucus, and chairmanship of the committees on the Judiciary and Weaponization of the Federal Government speak to his effectiveness. Just this Congress, Jordan has passed the strongest immigration and border enforcement bill ever, stopped IRS agents from making unannounced house calls, and held the corrupt Biden DOJ and FBI accountable.”

“Conservatives should support a leader who will hold the Biden Administration accountable, cut reckless spending, and change Washington forever,” the letter concluded.

The complete list of signees includes Conservative Partnership Institute Chairman Jim DeMint, Conservative Action Project Vice Chairman Ed Corrigan, Conservative Leadership PAC Chairman Morton C. Blackwell, Former Ronald Reagan assistant T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr., the Conservative Partnership Institute’s Cleta Mitchell, ACRU Action CEO Lori Roman, SGS Advisors CEO Diana L. Banister, Citizens United president David N. Bossie, ForAmerica president, David Bozell, Center For Renewing America senior fellow Mark Paoletta, American Accountability Foundation president Tom Jones, Stand Up Michigan president Ron Armstrong, Media Research Center founder and president L. Brent Bozell III, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin, and pro-life activist Tom McClusky.

Jordan confirmed his intent to run for Speaker this week after the House voted to remove former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Jordan has already earned notable endorsements from several of his congressional colleagues, as well as an endorsement from former President Donald Trump.

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