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Cagle Post: Holding Our Military Hostage

At the end of each May, Americans come together to remember our deceased war heroes on Memorial Day. Every day our men and women in uniform are on the frontlines protecting our freedom and our way of life. Our military is the best in the world because of the American soldier. Unfortunately, Washington is playing a dangerous shell game that threatens the readiness and stability of America’s military for years to come.

During last year’s debt limit debate, President Obama would not budge on his plan to raise taxes on American families and businesses, and he refused to enact the necessary spending reductions to make America solvent. The two sides were log jammed until they agreed to save nearly $1 trillion immediately, with another $1.2 trillion in additional spending cuts at a later date. The fight spawned the much maligned debt “super committee” which was bound to fail from the get-go because Democrats were never going to waiver on their failed liberal policies in the face of our unsustainable national debt.

Read more at Cagle Post here.

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