Cagle Post: Trick or Treat the Obama Way
Last week, President Obama embarked on another campaign swing through the Western states trying to outrun the ghost of Jimmy Carter. President Obama is once again traveling the country, promising to hand out treats but the real trick is on the American people. The tired, failed liberal policies he is peddling door to door have led to a nightmarish 9.1 percent unemployment rate and a frightful $15 trillion debt. Unlike the costumed children who will arrive on your doorstep tonight begging for candy, President Obama is begging for money and votes.
It is no surprise that, with Halloween right around the corner, President Obama made a pilgrimage to Hollywood last week where people play dress-up every day. While Americans suffer, President Obama palled around with Hollywood celebrities to raise money for his $1 billion campaign. From his attendance at a star-studded fundraiser in Hollywood, to his fourth appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, it is spooky to see just how tone deaf and out-of-touch President Obama really is. I guess “change you can believe in” really means “show me the money” in the land of make believe.
One of President Obama’s most intriguing meetings in Hollywood occurred at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. It was billed by the Hollywood Reporter as a “Secret Meet-and-Greet” of well-connected Hollywood types and the President. According to the Hollywood Reporter, a source in the room said the President needed their help to “engage” the Hollywood community. One can surmise from this meeting that President Obama is spooked that people see right through his rock star costume to the one hit wonder he truly is.
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