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Cagle Post: With IRS Probe, Time is of the Essence

The IRS scandal involving the improper targeting of conservative groups first broke 20 days ago, on May 10th. Attorney General Eric Holder announced he was starting a Justice Department criminal investigation of the IRS allegations on Tuesday May 14th. On Thursday May 16th, President Obama announced unsurprisingly that he did not favor the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the IRS targeting, even though it’s not his call to make. Chairman Dave Camp of the House Ways and Means Committee held the first congressional hearing about the explosive Inspector General’s report on Friday May 17th. Lois Lerner, Director of the IRS tax-exempt organizations division, became the first scandal figure to invoke the 5th amendment to avoid self-incrimination on Wednesday May 22nd before Chairman Darrell Issa’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Read more at Cagle Post here.

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