Can business-friendly Terry McAuliffe sell himself to leftward leaning Democrats in 2020?
Terry McAuliffe buttonholed Amazon honchos last week at a Washington gala like the go-go-go jobs governor he once was.
“Folks, we want it all,” Virginia’s former governor recalled telling the executives at the Ireland Funds soiree. By that, he meant Virginia would gladly take all 50,000 high-paying jobs that Amazon once planned to split between Virginia and New York — until pushback from the left led the company to nix the Queens half of the deal.
When he left office in January 2018, McAuliffe appeared to be well positioned for a White House run as a socially liberal, business-friendly Democrat from an important swing state. But 14 months later, it’s unclear if there is room for McAuliffe, 62, in a party that seems to be pulling leftward.
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The expanding Democratic field includes contenders ranging from Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who want to raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for social programs, to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), who wants national paid parental leave, to tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang, who supports a universal basic income.