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Chu On This: Time To Resign

It’s clear that Energy Secretary Steven Chu is at least partly responsible for losing over $500 million in taxpayer money for the loan to Solyndra. Can anyone explain then why President Obama still has “full confidence” in Chu? FULL confidence? In the era of Obama, losing $500 million in taxpayer money is not a big deal apparently.

The failed Obama status quo continues. The American people have no confidence in this administration’s handling of taxpayer funds. In the face of the Solyndra debacle, signing off on billions of dollars more in loan guarantees without pause, in a rush to beat the September 30th deadline, is the height of arrogance and irresponsibility. For this reason alone President Obama should make an example out of Chu. President Obama needs to be able to say that, at a time of economic crisis and a $14 trillion debt, his administration is a careful steward of taxpayer money and is taking action. Instead, the President saying he remains confident in Chu sends a signal that wasting these funds is not a big deal. Is this the message the President wants to be sending right now?

The bottom line is that several people need to be held responsible for this taxpayer funded scandal and Sec. Chu needs to be the first to man up and step down. Otherwise, the American people will be led to believe that no one is responsible for losing their money – that Washington is so out of control, losing $500 million dollars is supposed to be seen as business as usual and not dealt with in a serious, “real world” manner.

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Unfortunately, this is how a country that is $14 trillion in debt handles their finances. Something needs to change. Business as usual and the failed status quo need to end.

Chu must go now. 

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Citizens United