Citizens United Demands Details of Bill Clinton’s 2012 “North Korea invitation”
In May 2012, Clinton Foundation Foreign Policy Advisor Amitabh Desai sent the attached email to State Department senior staff members Cheryl Mills, Jacob Sullivan, and Michael Fuchs with the subject line “North Korea invitation.” The email chain makes clear that the invitation for President Bill Clinton “came via” Secretary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham.
The email chain from Desai states in pertinent part:
“Dear Cheryl, we’d welcome your feedback on the attached invitation – would USG have any concerns? Thanks, Ami”
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“This came via Tony Rodham.”
The State Department declined to produce to Citizens United the referenced attachment which would seemingly provide details of the “North Korea invitation” in question.
“North Korea is a rogue regime that is a threat to the security of the civilized world. Now, with its nuclear test and subsequent rocket launch, North Korea has inserted itself into the 2016 U.S. presidential race. The Clinton Foundation and/or the State Department should immediately release the details of President Bill Clinton’s 2012 ‘North Korea invitation’ that is referenced in the attached State Department email that was obtained by Citizens United through a FOIA lawsuit over the summer of 2015,” said David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United.
“The Clintons are longtime supporters of transparency in government and releasing these records would be consistent with their rhetoric. The public has a right to know the details of what North Korea was offering President Clinton,” Bossie continued.
“Similarly, Hillary Clinton is running for president of the United States and it’s in the public interest to know the extent of her brother’s relationship with North Korea and/or North Korea interests. How would this relationship impact Hillary Clinton’s decision making with respect to North Korea?” Bossie concluded.