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Citizens United Files SCOTUS Amicus Brief in Trump v. Anderson with U.S. Attorneys General and Law Professors

“This week marks a turning point in the lawfare against President Donald Trump.  As our brief explains, the U.S. Constitution dictates the outcome of a legal proceeding, not partisan politics.  The constitutional provision here – Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment – does not apply to the President.  And even if it did, the President’s hyper-partisan opponents have not even charged him with violating the only law passed by Congress to implement Section 3.  The legal truth is that President Trump is fully qualified to be on the ballot, and the Constitution entrusts the choosing of a President to the voters, not lawsuits.  As president of Citizens United and Citizens United Foundation, I will always defend the Constitution.” – David N. Bossie

Read the brief of Former Attorneys General Edwin Meese III, Michael B. Mukasey, and William P. Barr; Law Professors Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson; and Citizens United as Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioner:

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Citizens United