Conservative Groups Launch TV Ads Supporting Judge Kavanaugh
WHILE THE SENATE HAS PAUSED its confirmation process, four conservative groups are out with new TV advertisements urging the addition of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
The commercials made their debuts in the days after Christine Blasey Ford told a Senate committee that Judge Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers and are airing as the Federal Bureau of Investigation probes those and other allegations, which Judge Kavanaugh has denied.
The most politically charged of the ads is a 30-second spot by Citizens United, a nonprofit group steered by David Bossie, a longtime ally of President Trump. “Liberal Democrats will stop at nothing to smear him,” a narrator says of Judge Kavanaugh. It goes on to make claims about three Democratic Senate Judiciary Committee members and asks, “Whose values belong on the Supreme Court? Judge Kavanaugh’s? Or these liberal Democrats’?”
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FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION RECORDS SHOW the group is spending at least $250,000 on the spot. Mr. Bossie didn’t respond to a request for comment.