Conservative Leaders on RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’ Speech: We Win With Conservative Principles and Solutions
October 2, 2014
Washington, D.C.
When conservative principles are on the ballot, they win. When the priorities of the American people-not Washington-are fought for, the country wins. This year, conservatives have the opportunity to have that debate. This morning, we were encouraged by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’ speech that laid out what the Republican Party stands for. It was a positive step and we thank him for elevating key conservative principles into the national dialogue ahead of this important election.
And while he laid out what Republicans are for, there is continued silence from too many in Congress about what Republicans will do if they are entrusted with majorities in the House and Senate. The choice cannot be a Washington controlled by Republicans or a Washington controlled by Democrats. Rather, the choice must be between whose principles do we want to follow: those that animate the country-freedom, prosperity, hard work, opportunity, fairness, strong families, and a secure country-or the principles that animate much of what we see in Washington today-cronyism, lawlessness, lack of accountability, and weakness.
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Today, we call on conservative members of Congress and candidates to give Americans this choice and to boldly lay out the contrast between a conservative agenda for Congress-one that represents the priorities of the American people-and the liberal, big government agenda that too often only represents the priorities of Washington elites. Even with President Obama in the White House for two more years, conservatives in Congress can and must act on these key priorities–some of which do not even require the President’s signature.
Elections are about the future and agendas are about principles and solutions. In his speech, Chairman Priebus broadly outlined the principles that are animating Republican voters across the country ahead of election day. Candidates and office holders must now stand ready with conservative solutions that are grounded in our principles and solve the problems that the American people care about. The following seven items are solutions animated by those principles. And while each of our organizations will work toward various elements of this agenda, as a conservative movement we must support leaders committed to:
• Balancing the budget in 10 years or less without raising taxes
• Fully repealing Obamacare, using congressional authority to halt and expose it, and starting over with real health care reform that respects patients and doctors
• Protecting the unborn, and ending abortions after 5 months of pregnancy
• Upholding the rule of law and Constitution by ending the lawlessness of the Obama Administration and rogue agencies like the IRS
• Safeguarding our freedoms by ending the assaults on our religious liberty
• Reducing the terror threat by securing the border
• Expanding American energy through innovation and the market, not government regulation and cronyism
Americans deserve a choice, not an echo. Each of these solutions is directly tied to a principle just prioritized as a national issue ahead of the election. And while our work continues, they are a down payment that will begin to restore, reform, and modernize government, and to once again make the American Dream a reality for future generations.
The Honorable David McIntosh
Former Member of Congress
Mike Needham
Heritage Action for America
Tony Perkins
Family Research Council
Brent Bozell
Erick Erickson
Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List
Gary Bauer
American Values
Colin Hanna
Let Freedom Ring
David Bossie
Citizens United
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Constitutional Congress, Inc.
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop
Former White House Advisor
President Ronald Reagan
The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.
Former White House Domestic Advisor
President Ronald Reagan
The Honorable Alfred S. Regnery
Former Publisher
The American Spectator
William L Walton
Vice President
Council for National Policy
The Honorable Bob McEwen
Former U.S. Representative
Daniel Schneider
Executive Director
American Conservative Union
Diana Banister
Citizens for the Republic
(All organizations listed for Identification purposes only)