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Daily Caller: A worse holiday gift: Pelosi or fruitcake?

Pelosi turns yuletide cheers to tears, by David N. Bossie in The Daily Caller:

The decision by House Democrats to anoint Nancy Pelosi their leader once again is the equivalent of giving the American people a fruitcake for the holidays. And let’s face it — nobody really wants a fruitcake! Sadly, the similarities between the embarrassingly unpopular duo don’t stop there. According to recent polling data, “Leader” Pelosi’s approval rating just before the tsunami was at 29 percent. That is painfully low, and represents a total rejection of the failed policies she championed over the course of her infamous speakership. Whether it’s 9.6 percent unemployment, record debt, the government takeover of health care, or cap and tax, the Pelosi agenda was sent packing in 2010 to the tune of over 60 House seats.

At Citizens United, we are rolling out a little early holiday fun. Today we are launching and a parity web advertisement that highlights the obvious: nobody really wants a fruitcake. Please share with your family, friends, and co-workers. Season’s greetings!

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