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DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Desperate Politicians Do Desperate Things In Election Years

Desperate politicians do desperate things in an election year and that describes President Joe Biden’s strategy for 2024 perfectly.

With only seven months to go until Election Day and just five short months until ballots start being mailed out, Biden and his failed presidency are on the ropes and everyone knows it.

The geriatric incumbent’s job approval ratings remain badly upside down with 55 percent of the American people disapproving of the job he’s doing and only 40 percent approving. And to make matters worse for team Biden, former President Donald Trump has been leading their candidate in both national and critical battleground state polls for weeks. In fact, Trump’s lead appears to be hardening despite the fact that President Biden is orchestrating an unprecedented election interference operation that is seeking to jail the frontrunner before voters can make their voices heard – just like in some third world banana republic.

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With hardworking Americans from all walks of life upset about Biden’s inflation crisis and the crippling high cost of living, the open border catastrophe and free handouts for illegal immigrants, and the weak foreign policy that is costing us greatly on the world stage on several fronts, Joe Biden – the worst president in history – has just one hand left to play. By now it’s abundantly clear that the rapidly fading and unpopular president will continue doing the bidding of the unhinged left by spending the next several months waging a cynical campaign based on identity politics to further divide our country in order to cling to power for another term. With no positive agenda to run on, this has become the Democrat’s playbook. However, this year will be more intense and distasteful than ever.

The shameless Biden will do anything to get re-elected. With no answers on how to fix the economy, no interest in securing our southern border, and no ability to project strength abroad, Biden is going to run in support of the Washington swamp and broken status quo. This means signing legislation to fund the government and his failed policies with 1,000-page omnibus bills that are barely read or debated. It means running on radical climate alarmism and abortion fear tactics. It means prioritizing another forever war in Ukraine and damaging our alliance with Israel. And it means stealing from responsible American taxpayers by forgiving billions upon billions in student loans. So, if you’re looking for a reason to be hopeful about the future, don’t look to Joe Biden.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the Biden student-loan forgiveness program is an unconstitutional vote buying scheme. To date, the administration has robbed $144 billion from the American people without congressional approval in an attempt to buy the votes of nearly four million debtors. When you consider that the 2020 election was decided by about 43,000 votes in just three states, Joe Biden’s lawless loan repayment operation could pay off in droves.

To date, the Biden administration has bailed out over 14,000 borrowers in Arizona; 35,000 in Georgia; 30,000 in Michigan; 38,000 in Pennsylvania; and 16,000 in Wisconsin. According to the Department of Education, President Biden is literally emailing “an additional 380,000 public service workers thanking them for their service and notifying them they are on track to have their debt cancelled…” And Biden’s message for the millions of Americans who paid their students loans off on time? Playing by the rules no longer matters. Remember, this is Joe Biden’s America, where everything is upside down and hard work no longer pays off. Congress must aggressively investigate this loan program so the American people know the truth about exactly what’s going on behind the high walls of Biden’s vast bureaucracy.

At the same time, President Biden’s political allies in the biased mainstream media brutally attack former President Trump for simply campaigning to make America great again. You see, in the left’s warped woke utopia, optimistic talk such as this is no longer acceptable. But Donald Trump is on a mission and he won’t be deterred. At the end of the day, people are hungry for common sense policies and solutions and that’s exactly what Trump will deliver. It starts with pro-growth economic policies and less government intrusion. The Trump plan will also prioritize the safety and security of the American people first – the opposite of what’s happening now. And if re-elected, President Trump will fight for hope, growth, and opportunity for all Americans, not just the radical left’s chosen few. Thankfully, American voters will send President Biden into a long overdue retirement in November.

David N. Bossie is president of Citizens United, and he served as deputy campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President in 2016. @David_Bossie @Citizens_United

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Citizens United