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David Bossie: Pompeo vote is Democrats’ latest unhinged stunt — He should be confirmed as secretary of state

The effort by Senate Democrats to block CIA Director Mike Pompeo from being confirmed as secretary of state is just the latest political stunt that unhinged liberals are trying to pull. Our Founding Fathers did not design our constitutional republic with this level of obstruction in mind from the minority party in the legislative branch.

Pompeo recently traveled to North Korea to meet with that nation’s leader – Kim Jong Un – to lay the groundwork for denuclearization talks with President Trump. Kim subsequently announced Saturday that he is suspending tests of nuclear weapons and missiles, and closing a nuclear test site.

Democratic obstruction of Pompeo’s confirmation at this sensitive time – an effort led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. – is flat-out dangerous.

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Pompeo has the trust of President Trump and is uniquely qualified to be our nation’s next chief diplomat. He was confirmed by this same group of senators as CIA director by a vote of 66-32 just 15 short months ago in January 2017. And he is highly regarded for his foreign policy intellect, experience and leadership skills.

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