Four Years after Our Supreme Court Victory, the World is Still Turning
Yesterday marked the four year anniversary of our victory at the U.S. Supreme Court, and miraculously the world is still spinning on its axis. You wouldn’t know this, however, if you were simply relying on blogs on the left for your news and information. Four years later, they simply can’t get over the fact that we were right and WE WON.
Despite a massive snow storm sweeping across the East Coast and practically shutting down the nation’s capitol, leftist bloggers feverishly wrote about the tragedy that took place four years ago: the Supreme Court protected free speech. Mother Jones even provided a handy chart that showed when people had the right to exercise free speech in the political process, they actually used that right! And the Russian propagandist channel, RT America, also took time to show us the same thing: when people have a right, they exercise it!
On the hypocrisy side of the ledger, I’ve been amused to see several Democrat U.S. Senators who are up for re-election circulating anti Citizens United petition drives. Here’s the question: when liberal Super PACs start airing ads attacking their opponents, will these Democrats demand the ads be taken down?
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As I reflected this weekend about this milestone, I continue to be thankful that the Supreme Court got this one right. I am also continually disgusted by those who actively seek to squash the First Amendment rights of the American people. They are still threatened by the very fact that you have more of a voice, and will continue to wring their hands and outright lie about the decision itself. Thankfully, it doesn’t change what happened four years ago: we stood for the First Amendment, and we were victorious.