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Fox News: David Bossie: 7 Democratic debate takeaways after watching candidates caught up in Trump Derangement Syndrome

A dozen Democratic presidential candidates continued their race to become the left’s most favored socialist when they debated Tuesday night. Once again, the debate stage showcased a lackluster group of extremist politicians pandering to their far-left base of support with harmful policy proposals that are way outside the mainstream.

The three septuagenarian candidates currently making up the top tier of the Democratic field include a confused and corrupt former Vice President Joe Biden some 20 years past his prime; unelectable socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who recently suffered a heart attack; and hopelessly out-of-touch former Harvard professor and current Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who wants to throw 180 million Americans off their private health insurance plans, including union workers.

Stuck with a field marred with enormous electability questions, no one is paying closer attention to the weakest field of presidential candidates in recent memory than 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

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These two nationally recognized liberals are likely thinking the same thing as everyone else: none of the 12 mediocre candidates on the stage in Ohio Tuesday night has what it takes to defeat President Trump in November 2020.

Read the rest of the Fox News Op-ed

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