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Fox News: David Bossie: Coronavirus sidelines Biden – Is Dem’s front-runner status about to change?

News that the start of the Democrat National Convention in Milwaukee, Wis., is being delayed from mid-July to mid-August due to the coronavirus pandemic must be an issue of great concern to the rickety presidential campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden. 

It’s a matter of simple math.  The longer Biden must wait to officially become the presidential nominee for the Democrat Party in 2020, the more likely it is that a movement can pick up steam to steal the nomination from him. With each passing day, the narratives that Biden is too gaffe-prone, too scandal-plagued and no longer mentally capable of executing the duties and responsibilities of a president of the United States get louder and more pronounced.

Add into the mix his campaign’s excitement deficit and anemic fundraising – coupled with having to wait an extra month to access general election campaign funds due to a postponed convention – along with a Democrat National Committee that can barely function without the help of billionaire Michael Bloomberg and you have a recipe for disaster. 

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