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Fox News: David Bossie: Impeachment, Adam Schiff, 2020 and the Clintons – So many questions (and still no answers)

Who is Congressman Adam Schiff and how did he get into this position of enormous power? For starters, Schiff is a Clinton hatchet man. The background of the Schiff-Clinton relationship is an important part of the current impeachment farce and must not be overlooked.

You see, after President Bill Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives and acquitted by the U.S. Senate in 1998-1999 for perjury and obstruction of justice, the Clintons and their loyal pack of political operatives made it a priority to defeat the Republicans House impeachment managers in the 2000 elections.

One of those races was against California Republican Representative James Rogan. Rogan took a leading role in the Clinton impeachment effort and became a top target for the Clinton team.

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The Democratic candidate in that race was none other than Adam Schiff; and it became such a priority that even Bill Clinton himself held a fundraiser for Schiff in Washington, D.C. It’s virtually unheard of for a sitting president to headline a fundraiser for a single congressional candidate who’s not an incumbent.

At the end of the day, Schiff defeated Rogan 53 to 44 percent and the Clintons got their pound of flesh in the race that was at the time the most expensive House race in history. That single House seat gained a ton of national attention and garnered headlines like, “Democrats hit Rogan to avenge Clinton.”

Read the rest of the David Bossie’s Fox News Op-ed

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