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Fox News: David Bossie: Impeachment case against Trump is falling apart – Democrats want to hurt him in 2020 election

The supposedly devastating case for the impeachment of President Trump that partisan Democrats have been hyping in endless media interviews began falling apart Wednesday as the House Intelligence Committee opened its televised witch hunt against the president.

Desperate Democrats know they have no chance of removing President Trump in a trial in the Republican-controlled Senate. But they are determined to use their House majority to impeach him and send their ridiculous case against him to the Senate for a pointless trial for one reason only: to hurt his reelection chances.

This is what the whole disgraceful publicity stunt Democrats are calling an impeachment inquiry is all about – pure politics and nothing else.

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Absurdly, these hearings were sparked by a routine phone call between President Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine.

A so-called whistleblower hiding behind a cloak of anonymity started this whole costly and time-wasting nonsensical impeachment process. It will ultimately collapse – but not until Democrats have days of free TV time to level their baseless charges against the duly elected president of the United States.

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Fox News Op-ed

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