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Fox News: David Bossie: Kenosha visit shows Trump defends us against rioting anarchists trying to destroy US

Biden cares more about the radical left’s perception of him than the health and safety of the American people

President Trump traveled to Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday to demonstrate his profound and sincere support for the heartland community as it rebuilds from the senseless rioting, looting and violence it has experienced over the past week.

During his visit, the president announced that he would be providing $1 million in emergency support to Kenosha law enforcement, $13 million to law enforcement agencies statewide in Wisconsin, and nearly $4 million to small businesses.

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This assistance is exactly the type of decisive action needed at this moment. President Trump is once again rising to the occasion.

Throughout the summer, we have seen violent rioters wreak havoc in our cities — burning down neighborhoods, taking innocent lives, and destroying countless businesses.

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