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Fox News: David Bossie: Let Trump be Trump on trade

As the FBI conducts its seventh background investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the mainstream media wants you to believe that the Trump administration is otherwise paralyzed by the left’s shameful smear campaign of a good man. This narrative from the fake news couldn’t be further from the truth because President Donald J. Trump is focused like a laser beam delivering on his promises for the American worker in the form of jobs, jobs, jobs.

This week’s announcement of a new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is not just another promise made and promise kept by President Trump. USMCA is also a celebration of the smartest, toughest, and largest trade deal ever done – with a price tag of some $1.2 trillion in annual trade.

Just what’s in the USMCA for America? You can think of it in three distinct parts.

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First, the new agreements on increased regional content for industries like automobiles coupled with strong protections for labor will bring back much of the supply chain of America that has gone offshore. In the process, North America will once again become the globe’s manufacturing powerhouse; and that will mean more manufacturing jobs and higher wages for the heartland.

Second, the old NAFTA was signed in an era prior to the existence of things like digital trade and cutting edge biologics – complex drugs designed for some of the hitherto difficult to cure or control diseases. This new agreement fills in those blanks and in these ways modernizes the old NAFTA – or “SHAFTA” as its righteous critics had it.

Third, both farmers and ranchers will benefit from agreements that will increase market access for Americans in products like dairy, peanuts, and sugar. This is important because, as the USTR notes, “Canada and Mexico are our first and third largest exports markets for U.S. food and agricultural products, making up 28 percent of total food and agricultural exports in 2017. These exports support more than 325,000 American jobs.”

The bigger takeaways from this deal have to do with what it says about President Trump, his performance on trade, and his negotiating strategy. As one of his top economic advisors, Peter Navarro, said correctly this week on Fox News, President Trump is quietly putting together the best performance on trade and the economy of any modern president. And this November it’s imperative that we return Republican majorities to Congress so these accomplishments can continue.

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