Fox News: David Bossie: The media need to investigate Joe Biden and his Ukraine dealings
For the past 12 days, the political media has been focused on “handsy” and “creepy” former Vice President Joe Biden and his penchant for making unwanted contact with women seemingly wherever he is. While these allegations deserve their fair share of attention, the mainstream media may be missing — or more likely ignoring — the real Biden story that’s staring them in the face.
When I served as the chief investigator for the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight during the Clinton Administration, I regularly worked with journalists on investigations they were covering for weeks and even months. But 20 years later, those types of stories are few and far between.
That being said, the media must do a deep-dive into Joe Biden and his family’s relationship with Ukraine, like the recent reports by award-winning journalist John Solomon in his column at The Hill.
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