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Fox News: David Bossie: Trump SOTU address showcases success of his America First policies

Under the leadership of President Trump, the state of our union is as strong as it has ever been – and the best is yet to come.

The president walked into the well of the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday night for his third State of the Union address with great purpose and a message of hopeful optimism that America’s best days are still ahead of us. His speech was a showcase for American exceptionalism.

There are countless reasons for Americans to feel optimistic about the future, because we are better off today than we were four years ago. We’re in the midst of the great American comeback – but the Democrats and their allies in the anti-Trump media can’t come to grips with that reality.

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The stark contrast between President Trump’s extraordinarily successful tenure in office and the agenda-less Democratic Party’s utter disarray – from the impeachment circus to the Iowa caucus fiasco – is undeniable.

Trump and the Republicans are thriving, while the entire Democratic establishment is falling apart at the seams. Independent voters are taking note.

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