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Breitbart: King Barack I

Since day one, Obama has been against the idea of reaching across the aisle in order to get things done for the American people. Thursday night he went beyond the realm of what we ever thought imaginable and granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants already living in the United States.

This move sets a very dangerous precedent, not only because it sends the message that America does not enforce its own laws, but now immigrants who did abide by our laws and waited their turn have nothing to show for it. Why should hard-working American taxpayers play by the rules if some laws don’t apply?

Obama’s decision to allow law-breakers to get off unscathed is an absolute disgrace. This president has always demonstrated himself as above the Constitution and above the laws of our government, and this executive action is concrete proof of that. He cares solely about fundamentally changing a nation in order to suit his own liberal agenda and ideology.

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