Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Right Speak: The Gift of Life Film and Pro-Life Forum

On Wednesday, December 14th, Mike Huckabee will be host to Citizens United’s new film The Gift of Life. Screening the film first before more than 1000 Iowans, Huckabee will then host a forum that focuses on the issue of Life. Life that begins at conception and contains all the DNA necessary to develop into a baby. This is the key issue that got Mike Huckabee involved in politics. It’s where his heart is held captive when it comes to social issues.

So far only four Republican candidates are attending the forum: Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum. Huntsman, Paul and Romney were invited but have yet to RSVP with a yes.

The issue of keeping a pregnancy or ending it in abortion is not the key issue that plagues the hearts of those who have been unemployed for over 99 weeks or of small business owners who just don’t have enough capital to consider hiring another employee in the new year. But that doesn’t mean it is not a key issue for many voters who have worked hard to further the Pro-Life cause.

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