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Shame On Harry Reid

What an embarrassment for the Democrats! Today Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), their leader in the U.S. Senate, compared having a robust and thorough debate on the proposed health care bill to the debates on slavery, women’s suffrage, and civil rights.

Reid’s irresponsible and pathetic argument is that the people who are wanting to slow down the march to socialized health care are the same people who were for slavery, against women’s voting, and against civil rights for all Americans.

Believe it or not, he said it. And meant it!

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Even the most radical left-wing blogger would have had a hard time saying this with a straight face. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that Reid is desperate and worried about his chances of getting the bill through the Senate. So what does he do? He plays the race card of all things. What a disgrace!

The truth is that leaders on both sides of the aisle have major reservations about this bill, but Harry Reid felt the…

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