Statement by Citizens United President David N. Bossie on Anti-Citizens United Amendment
“Another year and another cynical attempt by Democrats to enact a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that guts the 1st Amendment.”
“On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the Citizens United decision that leveled the playing field for conservatives, the left continues to try to squelch political speech they don’t agree with.”
“This effort will fail because it stifles free speech and is simply a partisan stunt.”
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“This amendment is total hypocrisy – Democrats pushing for an anti-Citizens United amendment at the same time they raise and spend hundreds of millions of dollars in special interest money to defeat President Trump.”
“The Citizens United decision is one of the keys to President Trump’s re-election – he must be able to compete with the unlimited Democrat cash machine. Let’s remember that Hillary Clinton and her affiliated committees outspent President Trump two to one in 2016.”