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Statement by Citizens United President David N. Bossie on Boehner-Obama-McConnell Budget Deal:

Citizens United and our 500,000 grassroots conservative members nationwide are opposed to the latest disastrous Boehner-Obama-McConnell budget deal. It increases the debt limit by $1.5 trillion – with nothing in return – and busts the successful budget caps by $80 billion that were put in place in 2011.

When Bill Clinton left office in 2001 our national debt stood at $5 trillion. When George W. Bush left office in 2009 our national debt had jumped to $10 trillion. Because of this deal, when Barack Obama leaves office our national debt will be nearly $20 trillion. When the history books are written, they will say that Boehner and McConnell had the opportunity to stop the madness and put America back on a sound fiscal track, but sadly declined.


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Citizens United