Statement of Citizens United President David N. Bossie On Liberal Media Bias In the 2016 Presidential Election:
“The media bias laboratory called The New York Times is at it again, this time “investigating” Senator Ted Cruz’s father about what his “contemporaries” in Cuba somehow recollected from more than a half century ago.
Recently, it was the ridiculous story about Senator Marco Rubio’s driving record, then it was onto nitpicking points in Dr. Ben Carson’s biography from decades ago without knowing the full facts of the story.
Now it’s on to Senator Cruz’s dad. The American people know media bias when then see it and The New York Times just reinforced that.
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President Barack Obama swept into power because he was never fully vetted. The New York Times and other like-minded “mainstream media entities” ignored blatant discrepancies in his past because they support Obama’s far left ideology.
I’m still waiting to see Obama’s college transcripts and his college thesis on Soviet Nuclear Disarmament. However, the American people will never see those records because The New York Times don’t want the American people to see those records.
I encourage the Republican candidates for president and all fair-minded Americans to keep pushing back hard against the plague that is liberal mainstream media bias and expose it for the fraud that it is.”