Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

$14 trillion debt

GDP at 1.3%

In more stunning news that the Obama economy has tanked, the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at an anemic 1.3 percent for the second quarter of the year. In addition, the 1st quarter GDP was revised downward to a paltry 0.4 percent economic growth. These horrible numbers are more evidence that the failed policies […]

McCain’s Lack of Principle

John McCain’s screed on the Senate floor yesterday attacking House Republicans for standing against Speaker Boehner’s debt plan was embarrassing for a Senator whose best days are behind him. Those House freshmen he attacked are doing something John McCain knows little about anymore – fighting for principle. Fighting for principle is something that John McCain […]

Cagle Post: Cut, Cap, and Balance Vote Today

Today the House of Representatives will be voting on one of the most important pieces of legislation that it will take up in the 112th Congress. The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011, if passed, would put America back on the path towards fiscal responsibility. We are a nation in economic crisis thanks to […]