Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Callista Gingrich

Concord Monitor: How the movies are made, sold

Are Newt Gingrich’s movies educational? Political advertisements? For profit? A little of everything? Gingrich made the movies before he declared he would run for president, but his campaign website and his wife Callista’s blog reference the films and their public screenings in early primary states such as Iowa, Florida and South Carolina. Gingrich made between […]

Daily Caller: The threat of homegrown terror is real

CU President David Bossie defends Rep. Peter King’s hearings into Islamic radicalism in America: The threat of homegrown terror is real, as the terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas vividly illustrated. Today the House Committee on Homeland Security, under the chairmanship of Congressman Peter King (R-NY), held a critically important hearing on “The Extent of […]

America At Risk Released

America At Risk, hosted by Newt and Callista Gingrich, vividly demonstrates the dangers facing America, one decade after the attacks on 9/11. Today, Washington refuses to tell the truth about the war we are fighting. According to experts, we are at war with radical Islamists – and it is a war we are losing. The […]