Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


Thank You House, Now The Defund Effort Moves To The Senate

By a bipartisan vote of 230-189, the U.S. House today passed a historic Continuing Resolution which funds the entire federal government except Obamacare. By voting to fund the government but defund this unpopular, unworkable, and unfair law, two Democrats and the Republicans agreed with most of the American people who disapprove of Obamacare and its […]

Bossie Statement On Defunding Obamacare And The CR

“Citizens United and our 500,000 members and supporters are united behind a CR that does not fund Obamacare. They also support a “no” vote on any rule put up by House leadership that seeks to undermine that effort. For the House leadership to use gimmicks and try to pull the wool over the eyes of […]