Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Founding Fathers

Business Week: Political Front Groups Have It Backward

In the Business Week Debate Room, CU President David Bossie responds to the topic “U.S. Political front groups that don’t have to disclose donors’ identities are inherently unethical. Pro or con?” Con: A Venerable Tradition To call organizations that engage in political speech while protecting the identities of their donors “front groups” that are “inherently […]

Statement From David Bossie on Schumer Campaign Finance Legislation

Statement From David Bossie on Schumer Campaign Finance Legislation: “This bill, like many that have come before it, is a incumbent-protection power grab dressed up in the sheep’s clothing of ‘reform.’ The bureaucratic jungle that this bill would create will force groups of modest means like Citizens United to spend thousands of dollars of donor […]