Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Kathleen Sebelius

FOIA: Obamacare Voter Registration

Citizens United sent the below FOIA request in regards to HHS including a voter registration information with forms for Obamacare. FOIA: Obamacare Voter Registration by CitizensUnited Don’t Miss Out Subscribe to our free email newsletter and get all the latest sent directly to your inbox. Your Email Address Thank you for subscribing! Something went wrong. […]

The Cagle Post: Dems Play Smoke and Mirrors With Budget

Guest post on Cagle regarding the budget gimmicks President Obama has been using: The numbers being floated around by President Obama and Congressional Democrats during this year’s budget battle are all spin and sleight of hand. Not that this should surprise anyone – the President has a history of using smoke and mirrors – especially […]