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King hearings

Rep. King is Right: We Must Address Homegrown Terror

Today’s Washington Post’s headline “Rep. Peter King’s Muslim hearing: Plenty of drama, less substance” completely misses the mark on Congressman King’s inquiry into Islamic radicalization in America. Holding a hearing of any kind on this subject is substantive and a first step that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are unwilling to take, especially […]

The Liberal Media Is Scared Of The Truth

The New York Times and other liberal media outlets are commencing an all out assault against House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King (R-NY) for his hearing today on the threat of radical Islam in America. Congressman King is taking a bold stand to shed light on how homegrown terror has become the top security threat […]

Daily Caller: The threat of homegrown terror is real

CU President David Bossie defends Rep. Peter King’s hearings into Islamic radicalism in America: The threat of homegrown terror is real, as the terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas vividly illustrated. Today the House Committee on Homeland Security, under the chairmanship of Congressman Peter King (R-NY), held a critically important hearing on “The Extent of […]

The Threat of Homegrown Terror is Real: Join Us in Exposing the Truth!

The threat of homegrown terror is real, as the terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas vividly illustrated. On March 10, the House Committee on Homeland Security, under the Chairmanship of Congressman Peter King (R-NY), will hold a critically important hearing on “The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community’s Response.” Predictably, […]