Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

McConnell amendment

National Review: Judicial Excuses

Today Anthony Sanders discussed judicial activism and Citizens United v. FEC on National Review’s blog “Bench Memos”: Is it “judicial activism” to forbid the government from censoring a movie? This is not a trick question. Critics of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC have been calling it one of the worst examples […]

LETTER TO THE SENATE: Vote to Repeal ObamaCare

Today I sent a letter to the Senate urging them to support the McConnell amendment to the FAA Reauthorization bill repealing Obamacare and to inform them that any votes on Obamacare will be considered for Citizens United’s 2011 Congressional Ratings. Please see our previous vote alert to the House of Representatives on Obamacare here. Citizens […]