Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Newt Gingrich

Big Hollywood: ‘The Battle for America’ Review – Documentary Masterpiece, Epic Call to Vote

‘The Battle for America’ explains the recent shift of power toward grassroots conservatives by Darin Miller: “The Battle for America,” like “The Return of the King,” is the climactic end of an epic journey. In a concise, packed 82-minute film, Citizens United paints a vivid portrait of the atrocities of this present Congress and administration, […]

America At Risk Released

America At Risk, hosted by Newt and Callista Gingrich, vividly demonstrates the dangers facing America, one decade after the attacks on 9/11. Today, Washington refuses to tell the truth about the war we are fighting. According to experts, we are at war with radical Islamists – and it is a war we are losing. The […]

Immigration Bill Threatens National Security

New Ad Campaign Featuring Newt Gingrich Blasts Amnesty Bill Washington, D.C.—Citizens United, a prominent Washington-based conservative grassroots advocacy organization is unveiling a major television advertisement condemning the controversial immigration bill now being considered by Congress. The ad, which features former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and which was produced by Citizens United president David Bossie, will […]