Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

The Tea Party

ABC News: Tea Party Rejects IRS Apology

“The revelations revealed today that the IRS was targeting conservative groups during the 2012 elections is shocking,” said David Bossie, president of Citizen’s United, the 501(c)4 organization that touched off much of the recent controversy over these groups’ role in political elections. “The politicization of the IRS cannot be tolerated by the American people. To […]

Now What, Mr. Speaker?

After what I am sure were a few tense minutes while his fellow members of the House of Representatives rendered judgment, John Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House earlier this week. Twelve fellow Republicans defected and either voted for another person, voted present, of did not vote at all. Why? Read more at […]

Big Hollywood: ‘The Battle for America’ Review – Documentary Masterpiece, Epic Call to Vote

‘The Battle for America’ explains the recent shift of power toward grassroots conservatives by Darin Miller: “The Battle for America,” like “The Return of the King,” is the climactic end of an epic journey. In a concise, packed 82-minute film, Citizens United paints a vivid portrait of the atrocities of this present Congress and administration, […]