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Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner: Citizens United demands answers in State Dept. coverup

David Bossie, president of Citizens United, demanded answers to questions raised by leaked inspector general documents that suggest high-level officials in Hillary Clinton’s State Department interfered with internal investigations. “In the interests of open government, transparency and integrity, Secretary Clinton should immediately disclose the names of the senior State Department officials mentioned” as interfering with […]

Washington Examiner: Hillary’s officials cut criticisms out of State Dept. reports

State Department Inspector General officials edited out passages of a high-profile report in 2013 that could have embarrassed Hillary Clinton just days before she quit President Obama’s Cabinet. The officials excised details of a cover up of misconduct by Clinton’s security team. The edits raise concerns that investigators were subjected to “undue influence” from agency […]

Washington Examiner: ‘The Hope and The Change’: A documentary about Obama’s presidency to be released

“The Hope and The Change” is the second hard-hitting documentary film presentation about President Barack Obama which will be released to theaters in September, just weeks before the presidential election of 2012. The initial screening, however, is scheduled for Tuesday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. CLICK HERE to view the movie trailer: […]