Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

The “Pivot”

I am going to be honest with you: I didn’t expect anything new from President Obama’s speech showcasing his 19th “pivot” to jobs. So I wasn’t at all surprised to hear the same rhetoric and tired talking points the President used throughout his 2008 and 2012 campaigns. He blamed decades of failings in Washington, and pointed the finger at conservatives. There’s just one major problem with this: he’s been President for 5 years!

It’s sometimes hard to remember this is a job he really wanted when he delivers speeches like these. He spends a good majority complaining about the job, party politics and the City of Washington. He touted Obamacare and promised action on climate change, a host of other liberal pet projects and an upcoming tour across the nation to tout his vision, but the reality is that it’s all empty.

America has been waiting for action from this President, for real solutions to fix our ailing economy. We’ve been waiting for him to work with conservatives to make real changes for the better. But he won’t. And because he won’t, America is stuck with the bill.

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Citizens United