Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Urgent Action: Call The Boy Scouts of America Today

The Boy Scouts of America are on the verge of compromising their moral values by letting homosexuals into their organization. In the scout oath it says “To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” The Boy Scouts of America should not be turned into a social experiment.

Please call the members of the BSA Board of Directors (sample call script below) provided by our friends at the Family Research Council and kindly urge them to stand strong and true to their timeless values:

Select BSA Board Members:

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• David L. Beck: (801) 240-1000

• R. Thomas Buffenbarger: (310) 967-4500

• Keith A. Clark: (717) 763-1121

• William F. “Rick” Cronk: (925) 283-7229

• John C. Cushman III: (904) 393-9020

• R. Michael Daniel: (412) 297-4989

• Jack D. Furst: (972) 982-8250

• T. Michael Goodrich: (205) 328-9445 ext. 200

• Earl G. Graves: (212) 242-8000

• Aubrey B. Harwell Jr.: (615) 244-1713

• Stephen Hemsley: (800) 328-5979

• Larry W. Kellner: (713) 468-4050

• Robert J. LaFortune: (918) 582-2981

• Joseph P. Landy: (212) 878-0600

• Francis R. McAllister: (406) 373-8700

• Scott D. Oki: (425) 454-2800

• Arthur F. Oppenheimer: (208) 343-4883

• Tico A. Perez: (407) 849-1235

• Robert H. Reynolds: (317) 231-7227

• Matthew K. Rose: (909) 386-4140

• Nathan O. Rosenberg: (949) 494-4553

• Roger M. Schrimp: (209) 526-3500

• Marshall M. Sloane: (781) 395-3000

• Rex W. Tillerson: (972) 444-1000

• David M. Weekley: (713) 659-8111

• Togo D. West, Jr.: (202) 775-1775

Sample Phone Script:

Hello, my name is _________, from __________.

Thank you for your service as a board member of the Boy Scouts of America.

As you’re aware, a new proposal indicates that the Boy Scouts of America may revoke their longstanding policy of safeguarding Scouts by restricting homosexuals from holding leadership positions over boys. For decades, your national organization has kept the interest of the boys it serves as the focus of all its actions. No matter what, the Boy Scouts of America could be counted upon to do the right thing and not yield to any social pressure, and has thus far stood strong.

Please do not jeopardize the safety and moral integrity of Scouting in the interest of social activism. The proposal to relegate the decision on homosexual leaders to local chartered organizations sends the wrong signal from the national body: that political correctness ultimately triumphs over character.

Please retain the current long-held and time-tested policy regarding homosexual leadership and membership. America stands with you. Lead the way. Please stand strong.

Thank you, and God bless you.

About The Author
Citizens United