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Variety Blog: Huckabee’s Movie Night: GOP Candidates to Attend “The Gift of Life”

Tonight Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum are scheduled to attend a screening of “The Gift of Life,” an anti-abortion documentary headlined by Mike Huckabee and produced by Citizens United Productions.

That the documentary is drawing so much attention is undoubtedly due to the presence of Huckabee, whose victory in Iowa in the last cycle is presumed to give him influence among social conservative voters in Iowa. But it also reflects the cottage industry that is conservative documentary filmmaking. Even though the sales numbers don’t rival a Hollywood blockbuster, the titles sell relatively well via mail-order and at events like tonight’s screening, a promotional platform for the DVD, available on Huckabee’s websites, and a stop on the caucus campaign trail. Screenings of Gingrich produced movies, made via Gingrich Prods. in partnership with Citizens United, have become a routine part of the Gingrich campaign.

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