Wall Street Journal: State Department Is Ordered to Speed Release of Clinton Aides’ Emails
“A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the State Department to speed up its plans for releasing emails from two of Hillary Clinton’s top aides during her time at the department, citing intense public interest in the dealings of a former secretary of state who is now the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. The State Department had asked U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan for an additional three months to produce emails that Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin sent and received from private accounts during their stint as senior aides to Ms. Clinton at the State Department. Ms. Abedin is now a top official in Mrs. Clinton’s presidential bid. In his ruling, Judge Sullivan put the State Department on a quicker timetable. He gave the department until Oct. 2 to conduct a computer search that is an initial step toward eventually releasing the emails, in response to a lawsuit filed by the conservative group Citizens United. Three days after that, the State Department must produce a report that will include an estimate of how long it will take to review the relevant emails and make them public.”
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