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Wash Times: David Bossie: Biden wages war on your wallet with first major tax increase in nearly 30 years

The Biden administration is waging a war on your wallet. Throughout the first two months of his presidency, President Biden has made it clear that he’s willing to pursue a far-left agenda at the expense of economic growth.

As Americans try to emerge from government-imposed, job-killing lockdowns, economies are starting to open up. However, before you get too excited and hopeful for the future, don’t, because Mr. Biden and his swamp cronies are doing everything in their power to stunt hope, growth and opportunity for all.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that Mr. Biden is eyeing the first major tax increase in nearly 30 years in his next spending bill. The proposal calls for increasing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% and raising income tax rates for Americans who earn more than $400,000 a year, along with other various tax increases. This wrongheaded approach would cause economic uncertainty and job loss at the worst possible time.

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