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WASHINGTON TIMES: DAVID BOSSIE: Republicans in Congress must hold Biden’s gang of untouchables accountable

Republicans on Capitol Hill are banging the impeachment drum on several fronts, and with good reason.

Never before in American history have a president and his administration deemed themselves above the law and abused power without reservation. Never before have leaders at the highest levels of the executive branch had the luxury of governing without having to worry about an impartial mainstream media holding them accountable.

For 2½ years, President Biden and members of his Cabinet have been allowed to run roughshod, and now it’s time for action.

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The absence of accountability in Washington has given those drunk with power a free pass to see how much they can get away with. This is why a fully functioning Fourth Estate has been so critical to the health of our constitutional republic since its inception.

What we’re seeing today is how badly things can go awry when one political party enters into an unholy alliance with the legacy media.

Due to the lawless and deceptive behavior that has occurred since President Biden took office, an enormous amount of responsibility now lies at the feet of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. Mr. Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas did and said whatever they pleased and provided little in the way of transparency for two long years — and that arrogance has done great damage to our country and our institutions.

In just six months since retaking control of the House, Republican investigators have diligently put together facts and evidence that have exposed the sitting president of the United States as a liar and a co-conspirator — and they’re just getting warmed up.

Since 2019, Mr. Biden has methodically lied to the American people about his role in his family’s lucrative international influence-peddling operation.

Then-candidate and now-President Biden looked us all in the face and repeatedly stated he had nothing to do with his son Hunter’s leveraging his name and high office around the globe for millions upon millions of dollars. The arrogant president took it a step further and said he and his son never even discussed the business deals and foreign financial entanglements they got themselves into.

We now know that was all a smoke screen.

Bank records and electronic communications that have been released to the public by Congress recently paint a far different picture of what actually happened.

Not only was President Biden keenly aware of what was going on, but his lofty positions of power were also the only reason it all came to fruition — the old man was, in fact, the lynchpin.

In the weeks to come, House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer has indicated that more bank records will be released showing more cash flowing from other foreign countries into Biden family bank accounts through an elaborate web of shell companies and limited liability corporations.

Eventually, the American people will also get to read for themselves the now-infamous FD-1023 forms that allege a criminal bribery plot involving the Bidens and Ukraine. And maybe, just maybe, the audio recordings that everyone is talking about of father and son discussing the family business in their own words will be disclosed as well.

There will come a time when Congress must make the important decision about launching an impeachment inquiry into the actions of the president. If it’s discovered that the president of the United States engaged in criminal activity when he was vice president, that’s an impeachable offense.

And if Mr. Biden became compromised by foreign interests due to the business deals he entered into after he left office, that’s impeachable as well — every day of the week.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Every American should want to know if the president is basing his consequential decisions from the Oval Office on something other than the interests of the American people.

Impeachment is about facts and evidence and getting the American people to sign on. So, Congress must continue to subpoena bank records and interview witnesses and whistleblowers and release all of the relevant information to the American people in real time.

It’s “We The People” who will tell their representatives if they think they’ve seen enough to know that the president is corrupt or compromised or both.

Going forward, House Republicans must undo the damage caused by Democrats with their fraudulent impeachments of former President Donald Trump and reestablish the impeachment process as a serious, fact-based endeavor that includes an inquiry, hearings, a report, and due process for the accused.

The impeachments of Mr. Trump amounted to un-American sideshows where we saw exculpatory evidence ignored, counterarguments banned, and a whistleblower who remains anonymous today, probably because coming out of the shadows would have exposed political bias and crushed any credibility. Juxtapose that pathetic episode with the current individuals coming forward to blow the whistle on the Bidens in the public square for all to see.

We owe every American who had the courage to vote for a Republican majority in Congress a debt of gratitude because if not for that, we’d still be living in the dark in Mr. Biden’s closed society with him and his minions behaving like a gang of untouchables.

• David N. Bossie is president of Citizens United and served as deputy campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President.

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