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WashTimes: Bossie: Unhinged radicals are driving the Democrats’ bus right off the cliff

The Biden administration is whistling past the graveyard trying to downplay the dire electoral straits Democrats find themselves in heading into 2022.

With Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin winning in blue Virginia and liberal New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy barely managing to hang on against underdog Republican Jack Ciattarelli, the writing is on the wall for the radicalized Democrat Party to either pivot to the middle or make their prospects far worse by continuing to push their socialist agenda.

With the U.S. House’s passage of President Biden’s irresponsible multi-trillion-dollar budget reconciliation inflation bill, it appears they’re choosing the latter option at their peril.

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To that point, the opening line from an ABC News analysis of their recent survey should command everyone’s full attention: “Republican congressional candidates currently hold their largest lead in midterm election vote preferences in ABC News/Washington Post polls dating back 40 years….”

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Washington Times Op-ed

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