Yahoo Finance: ‘Abolish the IRS’ Because Americans Have Lost Faith in the Agency, Bossie Says
With the possible exception of Congress, few government institutions are held in such low regard as the Internal Revenue Service. The nation’s tax collector is never popular, but the IRS has come under intense scrutiny this year amid revelations its agents targeted Tea Party groups in what appears to be a politically motivated crackdown against conservative organizations.
So intense is the heat on the IRS that the House is considering a bill to cut its funding by 24% vs. year-ago levels while at least two sitting U.S. Senators openly support an effort to abolish the institution altogether.
Republican Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Ted Cruz (TX) are both actively supporting ABOLISH THE IRS, which is backed by Citizens United — a tax-exempt non-profit best known for its victorious Supreme Court challenge of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law.
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